01 February 2017: the first own-manufactured AXIOM-board is up and running... and the chip is cold! It convoys some dataflow execution model too and the flexibility that we wanted for Cyber-Phisical Systems.
I've been (2014-2018) the Coordinator of an EU-funded 3-year project on Smart Cyber-Physical Systems: AXIOM.
I've been (2009-2014) the Coordinator of an EU-funded 4.25-year project on Many-Cores: TERAFLUX.
My main Research Area is COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE with emphasis on Multiprocessor/Multicore issues (processor, coherence, programmability, energy efficiency).
I'm an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering ("SSD ING-INF/05" in Italy) since October 1st, 2006.
I've been an Assistant Professor ("University Researcher" in Italy) of Computer Engineering ("SSD ING-INF/05" in Italy) since March 15th, 1999.
2) I'm (always) SEEKING GOOD COLLABORATORS, Research Funds, Industrial Parternship to fuel
High Performance Computer Architecture Research Projects with particular emphasis on SCALABLE ARCHITECTURES and EMBEDDED SYSTEMS.